it has happened more than once where i'll dream of something, only to find out that it has become reality when i wake up. i'm not talking about world events, or even things happening to other people; my "gift" is limited to myself.
i've dreamt that i have a zit that i'm trying to hide from people and woke up with one. i've dreamt that i'm fighting a cold only to wake up with a sore throat. i don't think that either of these are very rare or special, because i think our brain picks up on what our body is telling it better when we sleep.
some of you out there (ok, one of you - shewb) will be happy to know that the other night i had a dream that i had a brain tumor. it was awful because it was the "present" me, as oppposed to sometimes where you are of a different age or different circumstances (married v single, kids v no kids, still in high school or college, etc.). the present me spent much of the dream being sad that i'd never see my kids grow up. also, i was in a meeting at work (in the dream) and couldn't make a point i wanted to make because my powers of speech had started slipping. it was just awful and i was relieved when i woke up.
anyway, i just wanted to get that out there in case a diagnosis comes down in the near future.
hopefully the tumor was just a dream representation of the alcohol-induced erosion of my brainpower. and maybe tonight i can dream about doing blow off of a hooker's ass while watching the cowboys win the superbowl and not getting fat eating queso and ice cream all day.