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October 23, 2008



Very well written, and your descriptions of things are so dead on, it is amazing. (Not that I know what your grandparents house was like, just that your descriptions really put me there).

Also, I have wanted to comment a number of different times, especially on your hilarious Thursday lists, but never had a Typepad account until now. So, sorry?


sigh. I remember all of that exactly like you've described and yeah, now I'm sitting here crying. I was just telling mom awhile back how I wished they would have taken that doorknob when they moved because it was one of my clearest memories of that place along with the toothbrush holder.

I prefer not to remember them as manipulative people though, I prefer to remember them exactly as I remember those childhood memories, fondly.


Dude, deep...Just as I read this, not only did I get a vision of what you were talking about, but it sounds STRANGELY similar to my grandparents house that I used to visit in Stephenville growing up (without the snow of course)...

You should send this off to Google Maps for advertisement...

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