(1) you know those crazy ladies that drown their kids in the tub? i get that. i totally fucking understand. last night, our eleven month-old was awake and crying from midnight to three am. he was not wet, hungry, or cold. the child just won't fucking sleep. there was obviously a switch made at the hospital, as my wife and i cherish sleep more than any other adult i know.
my wife and i estimated that in the 330+ days he has been alive, he has probably slept through the night less than twenty. i've tried to tell him that it is just unacceptable, but he doesn't get it. however, he'll get it when he's sixteen and trying to sleep in during summer break. i'm going to stand outside his door screaming from six am until i leave the house. then i'm going to call home every hour and scream through the phone. if he doesn't pick up, he's grounded.
one thing that makes it so difficult is that our first baby slept through the night starting at eight weeks. unless he was really sick, he slept all night. we got spoiled, obviously.
another (very real) aspect of these last eleven months of torture is the impact on our marriage. comments to each other get very short and very mean at four AM when you feel like the other person isn't doing their part. this has gone both ways and it is not fun. the cumulative effect of lack of sleep just makes for a lot of tension and hurtful language between us. luckily for us, so far we can put all that behind us when we wake up in the morning.
here's hoping mr. sandman joins our house soon. either that or he gives us a hammer with which to knock the kid out.
(2) you want another reason why i know i'm crazy and touched with OCD? i can't stand when people leave time on the microwave. you know like if you cooked your food for forty five seconds, but opened the door when it got down to twelve and then just walked away? i hate that. just push cancel so that the clock is displayed again.
(3) have you ever listened to "fast car" by tracy chapman? "you got a fast car/is it fast enough so we can fly away". well think about the opening guitar riff. now think of "jack and diane" by john mellencamp. sound familiar? it's the same fucking song.
happy friday.