two entries in one day! i'm like stephen king over here.
yesterday at the gym, when i got there, there was only one other person on the treadmills. there are about fifteen all in a row. the other person was at the far end, so i stayed on the near end. about five minutes in, some old lady comes in and gets on the treadmill right next to me. she's probably 108 years old, i'm estimating. it's quite admirable that she's in there, working out at her advanced age. there are thirteen other treadmills open, but she gets right next to me. ordinarily this wouldn't matter.
however, today was not ordinary.
about five minutes after she started, i smelled this godawful, putrid fucking poisonous gas. it smelled like something had crawled up this lady's ass and died six weeks ago and its rotting corpse was leaking out, one noxious cloud at a time. i literally could not draw breath without gagging. i mean i can't even describe the raw power of this smell to you. i can't do it justice. it was an unstoppable rebel force, annihilating anything and everything in its path. in college, i lived in a two bedroom, one bath apartment with three other guys for a while, so i'm no stranger to bad smells. this was the One Smell To Rule Them All.
so i did what anyone would do in that situation; i said "jesus christ" aloud and jumped off the treadmill. i walked down the row to let this beast clear the area. since it was just the two of us at this end, and i know it wasn't me, it was quite obvious what was going on.
five more minutes pass and another guy gets on a treadmill on the other side of this lady. approximately two minutes after that, you guessed it, round fucking two. it hit me like a ton of bricks and i almost lost consciousness. i grabbed on the bars to steady myself and exclaimed, "AW FOR FUCK'S SAKE" whilst jumping off and clearing the area again. the dude on the other side was likewise assaulted, his nostrils couldn't bear the brunt, and he too exited the area. this time, i turned my treadmill off and moved to the other end, where i finished in relative peace.
now i'm not picking on the elderly here, but goddamn, if you're having obvious stomach problems, go to the bathroom to drop bombs like that. there's no way she didn't smell the rancid odor that she was producing.
when she was done, she passed my treadmill and smiled at me. such a nice old lady and i felt bad.